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shipping cost

Shipping cost varies due to the diffrent locations that we are shipping to. Each client location is different and we will be shipping to each country at a different price ,so for your shipping cost please email us at s**************@g*****.com

Purchase Order

If you wish to purchase any of our items on this site please give a brief description of what you like to purchase via email,whatsapp or call thank you .new products will be added every month, and the old ones removed.

Welcome to __Lightspeed__techno__

This is __Lightspeed__techno__ website created by Saban Neumann. __Lightspeed__techno__ falls in RETAIL line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : vryburger ave,botma street,bothasig, vryburger ave,botma street,sulnisa place flatlet 2, bothasig, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa - 7442 You can contact us by phone - *********9455 or email us on s**...


We are about future technology bringing everybody up to date with technology,making shopping more easier and pleasant for the customers, thereby running relatively reasonable profit margins to accommodate everybody. We looking forward to working close-by with our clients and keeping them happy. We're anxiously hoping to get the support from clients to grow this business,with the aim of being honest with our customers and clients alike.

This site was designed with - Website Builder

WhatsApp Google Map

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